Monday, January 16, 2012

Journey to Leadville - Byrne - January 16, 2012

215 days until the 2012 Leadville Trail 100 Mile Run...

Another milestone achieved today! It wasn't easy but it feels good. Today's workout:

1/2 mile warmup
44 minutes on treadmill
0 - 42:00 - Level 10, run for 2 minutes, rest for 1 minute
42:00 - 43:00 - Level 10.1 (took it up a little notch)
43:00 - 44:00 - Level 10.5

2 sets of 12 on the benchpress 150 lbs.

I had mixed feelings going into this workout. On the one hand, we had just run 60 minutes last week with only a 1 minute break at 30 minutes at level 7.9-8.2. Today we were taking a 1 minute rest every 2 minutes. I wondered which effect would be stronger - the higher level of running (6:00 minute mile pace vs. 7:30 minute mile pace) or having 60 second rests after every 2 minutes of running. I also thought about my friend Christian who runs for 60 consecutive minutes at Level 10 with no rest - made me realize I have a LONG way to go.

On the other hand, this was a great workout for Rick and I, especially after our near 20 mile run yesterday. When training for the 5 minute mile last year we did sprint workouts where we ran at Level 10, 11, and 12 - usually running for a 1 minute and resting 1 minute - we might do this 5-6 times. Or we might do a couple where we would run for 2-3 minutes and rest for a minute but never more than 3-4 times. So looking back today and appreciating that we did 15 consecutive 2:00 minute sprints at a 6 minute mile pace with 60 second rests in between was a significant accomplishment. I wasn't sure how it would work out. I optimistically assumed we could do it and I was right. Rick commented afterwards that he felt like we could have continued on for a while longer - I agree with him. I want to think about which direction to go next for some of these longer treadmill runs - whether we should extend time, increase speed, reduce breaks, or pursue a combination of the three.

In case I'm misleading you into thinking that today was easy, let me make clear that it wasn't. Our shirts and my shoes were soaked with perspiration and there were times when we would have welcomed a break longer than 30 seconds - and certainly run segments of less than 2 minutes! Nonetheless we pushed through and achieved the goal we had set for ourselves.

Rick commented before we started that we would give it a try and that he would try to get at least half way through. I said, "Okay, we'll play it by ear and make adjustments if we need to." On the contrary, I was thinking, "We will do this." Rick is even tougher than he lets on and he is one of the last people that would give in on any physical endeavor. Even though this will be his first Leadville, I am very confident that he will finish strong - he has the grit, guts, and determination that are needed to battle this beast of a race. Plus he is training incredibly hard and will be ready for Leadville's challenges.

"You are better than you think you are and you can do more than you think you can" - Ken Chlouber - creator of the Leadville Trail 100. Soon, I'll post a beautiful framed picture of this quote a dear friend of mine embroidered for me in 2005 when I ran this race.  

As we continue trying new workouts and succeeding, I keep coming back to this quote. Chad Uhde ran nearly 20 miles yesterday, almost 7 more than he had ever run in his life. Rick Fountain questioned whether he'd be able to do 15 sets of what we did this morning, twice as many as he thought he might be able to. If we keep pushing and keep pressing, we will be pleasantly surprised at what we are able to accomplish!

Just came across this youtube video, Ken and Merilee speak to the history of the belt buckle as the prize sought after in finishing Leadville - hope you enjoy it!

Until my next post, have a great day! DIG DEEP!

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