Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Journey to Leadville - Byrne - February 28, 2012

172 days until the 2012 Leadville Trail 100 Mile Run...

Treadmill at Bettendorf YMCA at incline of 12.0

Rick Fountain (black long sleeve shirt) and I near end of treadmill workout - the blurred picture is not because we were moving too fast!)
Planning to upload a few live pictures from this morning later today. My daughter Katie is my technical specialist. I take pictures with my phone, send them to her IPOD, she emails them to me, I save them to my desktop, and then pull them onto the blog. How is that for efficiency?  If I would learn technology better I could probably do this easier and by myself but for now it is working :o)

Today was a power walking day on the treadmill - busted through another wall! Rick and I only did the first workout listed below - just providing a little historical perspective over the past 6 weeks for incline treadmill work. Definitely more difficult than last week and overall I believe the hardest workout to date, especially considering the increase in incline over the final 30 minutes. I am confident that we will NOT be walking up Hope Pass or Powerline at this pace but this type of training has to be making us better, stronger, and mentally tougher. About 40 minutes into the workout we were wondering when Uhde and Maurer were going to come by and pick us up after the 6 b4 6 group finished. They must have had alternate plans today. As much as we enjoy seeing them, it was good for us to power through.  The more obstacles we face and have to fight through, the more we will be mentally strong on the big day.

Time                              February 28th                             February 21st
0 - 30 minutes                Incline 12.0   Level 4.3               Incline 12.0   Level 4.1                          
30 - 35 minutes              Incline 12.5   Level 4.3               Incline 12.5   Level 4.1                           
35 - 40 minutes              Incline 13.0   Level 4.3               Incline 13.0   Level 4.1
40 - 45 minutes              Incline 13.5   Level 4.3               Incline 13.5   Level 4.1
45 - 50 minutes              Incline 14.0   Level 4.3               Incline 14.0   Level 4.1
50 - 55 minutes              Incline 14.5   Level 4.3               Incline 14.5   Level 4.1
55 - 60 minutes              Incline 15.0   Level 4.3               Incline 15.0   Level 4.1

Time           February 14th                February 7th                   January 31st                  January 24th

0-30 min     Level 4.2 Incline 13.0    Level 4.2 Incline 12.0    Level 4.0  Incline 12.0   Level 3.7  Incline 12.0
30-35 min   Level 4.3 Incline 13.0    Level 4.3 incline 12.0    Level 4.0  Incline 12.5   Level 3.8  Incline 12.0
35-40 min   Level 4.4 Incline 13.0    Level 4.3 Incline 12.5    Level 4.0  Incline 13.0   Level 3.9  Incline 12.0
40-45 min   Level 4.4 Incline 13.0    Level 4.4 Incline 12.5    Level 4.0  Incline 13.5   Level 4.0  Incline 12.0
45-50 min   Level 4.4 Incline 13.0    Level 4.4 Incline 13.0    Level 4.1  Incline 13.5   Level 4.0  Incline 12.5
50-55 min   Level 4.4 Incline 13.0    Level 4.5 Incline 13.0    Level 4.2  Incline 13.5   Level 4.0  Incline 13.0
55-60 min   Level 4.4 Incline 13.0    Level 4.5 Incline 13.5    Level 4.3  Incline 13.5   Level 4.0  Incline 13.5

Finished the day with 2 sets on the benchpress at 175 lbs. First set was 8 and second set was 10. The steady improvement on the bench press is fun - wondering when we are going to hit our wall - hopefully not for a long time!

Until my next post, have a great day! DIG DEEP!


George Seab. said...

What a great blog site! Wish I could make mine more presentable.
Keep up the great example.

Journey to 2012 Leadville - Byrne said...

Thanks George! We will keep working hard and try to meet the challenge at Leadville!