Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Week 4 - Returning to Unfamiliar Territory

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On Sunday, September 27th, I ran the Quad City Marathon - it was only the 2nd official marathon I've ever participated in. I've probably run 30 or 40 "unofficial" marathons in training for Leadville but there is something different about running a timed race - I push myself harder to post a better time. I thought I might run around 3:45 and I actually finished at 3:44:40 - not a bad prediction! The last 4 miles were quite a struggle - my legs felt like they had lead weights wrapped around them.

I know 3:45 is a respectable marathon time but I was feeling bummed the marathon didn't seem easier for me. Compared to a 100 mile run, I thought it should have been a piece of cake. What I failed to remember is that all races are hard because we are trying to do our best. I also failed to remember that even though I ran 100 miles 3 years ago, I had not run for more than 17 miles since 2012. So Sunday I pushed my body 9 miles beyond recent training and it SHOULD have felt worked. I've regained perspective and am grounded in knowing Sunday was a great day and I've sent my body the message it is gradually building for the big test next August!

Monday, Sept 21st - 3 miles along the Mississippi River. Played basketball for 1 1/2 hours - fun!

Tuesday, Sept 22nd - BHS track - 3 sets consisting of stairs, running, squats and lunges, and running
1st set - 30,  1/2 mile, 25 and 20, 1/2 mile
2nd set - 30,  1/2 mile, 25 and 20, 1/2 mile
3rd set - 30,  1/2 mile, 25 and 20, 1/2 mile   - Rick, Curt, Billie, John

Wednesday Sept 23rd - 6 miles - Curt, Jay, Rick, Billie, John

Thursday Sept 24th - stairs at BHS 4 sets of 5; 1 set of 10 = 30 - Mike, Jeremy, Rick, Billie, Curt, John. Played basketball for 1 1/2 hours at night.

Friday, September 25th - 3 mile run

Sunday, September 27th - 26.2 mile run - Quad City Marathon. Ran first 8.5 miles with Billie before she split off to finish 3rd in her age group for the 1/2 marathon - stud runner! Billie runs strong and steady all the time - I knew she would do great!

Training continues to go well - doing well on getting up early. Need to continue to stretch, avoid injury and stay healthy. Dig Deep!

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