Thursday, May 31, 2012

Journey to Leadville - Byrne - May 31, 2012

79 days until the Leadville Trail 100 Mile Run...

Curt and Rick in the rain
John and Rick - 6.75 miles - 1 hr

Curt, Rick, and I met at Curt's house for an hour long run this morning. We had the pleasure of running in the rain today :o)  We've been pretty spoiled the past several weeks with warm and dry weather. The farmers need this rain and it is good for us to run in all sorts of weather so it was a good day. We actually didn't get rained on too much but we were smart enough to have long sleeves, hat, and gloves for the run. Crossed paths with 3 from the 6b46 group (Aaron, Katherine, and Emily) - they were running strong!

Finished up with a pyramid (up and down) of 7 pushups (49 total).

Planning on a 4:30 am run at Crow Creek Park on Saturday morning. I will need to finish before 7 a.m. as my son Joseph has a baseball tournament game that morning.

Until my next post, have a great day!  DIG DEEP!

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