Friday, April 20, 2012

Journey to Leadville - Byrne - April 19, 2012

122 days until the 2012 Leadville Trail 100 mile run....

Last night I had the privilege of giving a talk on motivation at St. Ambrose University to about 50 members of the community. I LOVE to speak on motivation, goal setting, perseverance, and the importance of engaging others in your dreams. I really have a passion for this and I believe I have created a track record of credibility on the subject. I believe I am making a positive difference in other's lives when I speak which makes me feel even more called to do this. Referrals/connections you might have for speaking engagements would be most appreciated :o)

Teaching at the college level is my 2nd most favorite job in the world. #1 is motivational speaking - my life will be even more fulfilled when I am able to grow and develop this into a full time endeavor. Leadville and those I have been working out with were important subjects in my talk last night. I am also thrilled to report that Hand in Hand received more than $500 last night from my talk. Very cool organization - check them out!                                

Today I joined up with the 6 b4 6 group at the YMCA. I stopped in to see our good friend Tom at the front desk - it was great to see him again - I miss his upbeat attitude and enthusiastic voice. He asked me what I was going to do after August when Leadville was over. That question stumped me a bit and really made me reflect on the motivation of having a goal. In some ways I feel like the workouts we are doing and early morning risings seem a little extreme but given my goals and the difficulty of Leadville, it also feels necessary. Once Leadville is complete, I wondered whether I would be motivated to continue working out like I have been. Part of me wants to say "Yes" but another part of me thinks that I won't feel the drive and the purpose because the goal won't be there. I need to reflect on this some more. I'll probably move on to another goal - it just may not be a long distance running goal - or maybe it will? Time will tell....

There were 9 of us running today - Aaron, Chad, Curt S., Brian, Curt J., Jay, Katherine, Jane, and me. I learned that Jay is the moped guy - I'll never think of him the same ever again :o) Had some great conversation about discipline surrounding diet, nutrition and weight loss. Another great day!

Until my next post, have a great day! DIG DEEP!

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