Thursday, June 14, 2012

Journey to Leadville - Byrne - June 14, 2012

65 days until the 2012 Leadville Trail 100 Mile Run...

Curt, Rick, Todd, Jake, and Gordon

This morning we met at the Bettendorf High School track for a quick stair workout - 40 sets - before playing basketball. Jake, Todd's son, joined us for a combination of stairs and laps around the track. Impressive for a 10 year old young man.

Last night Rick and I combined a run with some stair work. We ran about 3 miles before knocking out 10 trips up the Jumer's Tower and finishing up with a 1.5 mile run. Starting to get geared up for our 24 hour run a week from this Saturday - more details to follow.

I just finished reading the book "What Though the Odds" - see link below. I referenced Haley's moving commencement speech at Notre Dame last month. Now I can passionately and honestly recommend her book - I had trouble putting it down the further I got into it. It is unfortunate how people have a tendency to see the obstacles and circumstances in their lives as justification for why they don't pursue their passions and their dreams. Life is not easy by any means but when you read about lives like Haley's, you become more aware of how oftentimes we sell ourselves short of our potential. By her own account, Haley discusses, although she was an accomplished athlete prior to her accident, the events that followed the accident have led her to a more rewarding and purpose filled life full of faith, love, and community. As you read about her resolve to overcome what many believed to be "impossible", it inspires you to realize that you too have the opportunity to lead a more fulfilled and joyous life.
Until my next post, have a great day!  DIG DEEP!

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