Monday, March 12, 2012

Journey to Leadville - Byrne - March 12, 2012

159 days until the 2012 Leadville Trail 100 Mile Run...
Chicago Skyline
Went on a mini-vacation this past weekend with my family in Chicago. My wife Joan had a Physical Therapy continuing education conference while 4 of my 5 children and I played at the museums and I took 3 of my boys to see the Bulls defeat the Jazz at the United Center in an exciting game. Should have run up the Sears (Willis) Tower since I was in there but it never really crossed my mind at the time :o)

A relaxing weekend to be honest but I did get a little time in on the Embassy Suites hotel treadmill. Original plan was to go 60 minutes on the treadmill but felt a little pressed for time (and I was tired) so I cut it to 30 minutes :o)

I set the treadmill on Level 4.5 with an incline of 12.5. This was pretty difficult. Less than 5 minutes into the workout I could feel the outer front muscle of my left shin begin to hurt (pain, throb, burn - take your pick). I didn't attribute it to an injury - part of me thought that maybe I hadn't stretched enough ahead of time. I was a bit confused because the outer front muscle on my right shin did not hurt. Another part of me thought that perhaps this was just my muscles working hard at a level/incline they had not been exposed to. After about 20 minutes I started feeling a similar pain in my right leg. I'm not sure I ever figured out the answer. Once I finished it no longer hurt so I ended up attributing this to growing pains associated with taxing my body a little bit more than I had previously.

So I didn't go the entire hour which was a slight setback from what Rick and I have done for the past month or more. On the other hand it was a rigorous power walk workout and I think it was a positive day for my training for Leadville.

Rick is doing some stair running and long running out in San Diego - I'll keep tabs on him during the week. I'm heading to the state of Washington to teach a course for the US Army tomorrow and Wednesday. I'm excited to see the beautiful scenery and it is always an honor to work with the wonderful people who serve our country in the military and as civilians.

Until my next post, have a great day! DIG DEEP!

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