Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Journey to Leadville - Byrne - March 21, 2012

150 days until the 2012 Leadville Trail 100 Mile Run...

Happy 1st Day of Spring!
What a great morning to be outside! I'm not going to say it but the wonderful temperatures made me think ahead to those days when I'll want to say "I wish it weren't so hot...." My memories of running in very cold weather are too recent - I'm not going to complain about heat for a long while :o)

Today was a stair day at the Bettendorf High School football stadium. When Rick and I arrived there was a man running around the track with a headlamp on. As he ran by I said "Hi" - just trying to be friendly. About a minute later he comes over by us as we are stretching out to begin running stairs I could finally see through the dark and around his bright shining headlamp that it was Phil Pancrazio! Phil is a friend of ours from the Y and joined us on a long weekend run a few weeks ago. It was nice to have someone else join us for a stair workout (hint hint). Seriously, local readers of this blog should consider joining us - we typically have a 5:30 am standing date with the steps on Wednesday morning. The nice part about this workout is that you can do as many as you wish and you can do them at whatever pace you wish. There are 4 lanes of stairs to run up and they can be shared as well. We'd like to see you there if you are looking for something different from your regular routine.

Today we ran a total of 66 trips up, broken down into 6 segments - 4 segments of 10, 2 segments of 13. I always take satisfaction in trying to finishing strong, doing the most at the end - today we accomplished that :o)

Rick is in a highly competitive basketball tournament this weekend so he isn't allowed to run much this weekend - his teammates will never let me hear the end of it if they think his tired legs may cost them a game. I believe they have won the tournament the past two years and I'm predicting they will make it a 3-peat. I may do some running this weekend but haven't made any plans yet.

Until my next post, have a great day!  DIG DEEP!

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