Saturday, July 28, 2012

Journey to Leadville - Byrne - July 28, 2012

21 days until the 2012 Leadville Trail 100 Mile Run...
Thomas, Dan, Joe, Michael, Katie, Joan, and John - ready to run the Bix 7!

Dan and one of his roommates from Notre Dame - Tyler Thomas - Tyler rocked the Bix!

Today's training run was the Quad City Bix 7 Mile Run. My wife Joan signed our entire family up to run this race - I haven't officially run it in 15 years. A few times I've run the course the week before or the week after just for fun but this year I was one of 14,000 runners - I enjoyed it a lot - seeing many people during the race and on the roadside cheering us along. Joan, Katie, Dan, and Joe ran the Quick Bix - a 2 mile run. Dan's assignment was to stay with 11 year old Joe - they ran the 2 miles in 13:55 - sub 7 minute mile pace - pretty good!

Michael ran the full Bix on his own, as well as Dan's roommate from Notre Dame (Tyler Thomas), Thomas, and I. Everyone had good races. The weather was good - Bix race days are normally hot and humid - today was warm and a little humid but I would be foolish to complain.

My assignment was to stay with Thomas. I thought he would run a good race as he is on the high school cross country team and has been running several times each week. I thought most of their training runs were 4-5 miles so I thought he might tire a bit toward the end but I'm happy to say that he was a beast today! We ran a 51:30 and I felt like I was spent at the end. I am not sure that I could have run any faster today. In the beginning I think I could have started faster but it may have drained my energy for later. I also violated a cardinal rule of running - not double-tying my shoelaces - no excuses, just stupidity on my part. Around mile 1.5 I had to stop for 20 seconds to retie my shoes and then run extra hard for a few minutes to catch Thomas. I was impressed with Thomas' resolve. There were a couple of times where he was cramping up a bit and wanted to slow the pace but we were still going at a decent pace. I persuaded him to walk a bit on some of the hills, telling him that getting a refresher would help us start back up again stronger. We passed up many of the people who passed us during our brief walk breaks. We finished extremely strong and I felt pretty wiped out!  Great job Thomas!

A number of our friends ran today and people seemed to have a good day at the Bix!

Tomorrow I take Dan back to school at Notre Dame - he has a football manager meeting at 7 pm tomorrow night.

Until my next post, have a great day!  DIG DEEP!

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