Monday, February 13, 2012

Journey to Leadville - Byrne - February 13, 2012

187 days until the 2012 Leadville Trail 100 Mile Run...

Bettendorf YMCA in the light of day

This morning Rick and I met Julie Soucinek at 4:30 am at the YMCA to go for a 2 hr run. Julie asked on Sunday if we would be willing to go for about 14 miles with her - part of her training plan for the Boston Marathon.  She ended up continuing on for a total of 17.5 miles. I was planning to take a picture of all of us together but we didn't meet back up again so I'll get a picture another time. In the meantime this is what Julie looks like when she isn't running...

We just ran 19.6 miles yesterday for our long weekend run so this wasn't in our game plan but since Julie was looking for some company, we decided to call an audible and join her. If we had not done this we probably would have done some work on the treadmill. During this Leadville training it has become apparent to me the importance of encouragement, camaraderie, and taking care of others. Rick and I have been taken care of by many others - this was a pretty easy one to say "Yes" to.

We ran a pretty good pace, averaging 6.5 miles per hour. No land speed records but a consistent, steady pace that made us mentally and physically strong. One thing we did differently today was not taking any walk breaks up any of the hills - we took a few drink breaks at various times (e.g. 1 hr, 1:15, 1:30) but ran pretty consistently the entire way.  In some ways this felt like a back to back long run weekend with the 19.6 on Sunday and the 13 today.

Probably inclined powerwalk tomorrow on treadmill, Bett HS football stadium steps on Wednesday, a speed treadmill workout on Thursday, and a longer run Friday. Saturday and Sunday are out this weekend - working on my soul with God on a men's retreat :o)

Until my next post, have a great day! DIG DEEP!

1 comment:

Julie Soucinek said...

You guys are the best! Thank you...thank you. Sorry so late on the post ;)