Saturday, February 25, 2012

Journey to Leadville - Byrne - February 25, 2012

175 days until the 2012 Leadville Trail 100 Mile Run...

cold, dark, windy, snowy morning

When I googled "cold, dark, windy, snowy morning', this is what popped up. There appear to be some simliarities to this picture and what it looked like outside this morning. The temperature wasn't too bad (high teens/low twenties but the wind was acting up a bit and made it feel much colder. When I send the email out during the week to about 40 or more on my list (send me an email if you want to be on this list), once in a while someone will respond that they are coming or not coming but quite often it is a pleasant surprise. This morning we knew my student from St. Ambrose, Lindsay Caes, was going to join us at 4:30 am (she arrived at 4:20 am - how is that for discipline?). We were also joined by Aaron Maurer, Chad Uhde, and Katie Gaffney. We knocked out 9.6 miles and said goodbye to Lindsay - she did great. We were then joined by Dave Jessen, my Leadville buddy whom I had the honor of pacing in 2007. The six of us ran another 3.2 miles at which time we said goodbye to Aaron, Chad, and Katie. Then Dave, Rick, and I ran another 5.3 miles for a total of 18.1 miles. Maps of the runs are listed below. - 9.3 miles - 1 hr 30 min - 3.2 miles - 29 minutes - 5.3 miles - 48 minutes

Heading out for 5 1/2 - 6 hrs tomorrow and are not aware of anyone who will be joining us - maybe we'll be surprised  - not expecting it though ;o)

Once again, being with cool people on a dark, cold, windy morning made it enjoyable and inspiring. During Dave's run, I asked him to share his experience with Leadville, thoughts on training, and what he was thinking about during the race. His unique perspective is helping Rick to get his arms around what this great race is all about.

Until my next post, have a great day! DIG DEEP!

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