Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Journey to Leadville - Byrne - February 29, 2012

171 days until the Leadville Trail 100 Mile Run...

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Happy Leap Year! There is only 1 opportunity to work out on this day every four years so we decided to take advantage of it :o) Today was a stair day at the Bettendorf High School. Rick picked me up at my house around 5:20 a.m. We started a little late, thinking maybe we were going to be joined by a 3rd person. Unfortunately they didn't show :o( We did 62 sets in total - 5 sets of 10 and a 6th set of 12. Not much different from last week except I believe we did it about 5 minutes faster! I may start keeping track of our times on stair workouts, although I don't think it is as important how fast we go as much as it is that we get it done and avoid injury.

I plan to completely taper 2 weeks before the race, which would be August 4th. While it is 171 days until the race it means that I am down to 157 days in which to do training with. I need to make the most of this time.

Looking ahead to the weekend, planning on a 3 hour run beginning at 4:30 am run from my house in Bettendorf. We'll loop back to the house at 6:00 am for a brief refuel and be finished by 7:30 am. Part of me wanted to do a longer run this weekend but other family commitments makes this option a better one for this weekend :o) I think we've made some significant progress when it feels like a 3 hour run is a 'short' weekend run.

Until my next post, have a great day!  DIG DEEP!

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