Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Journey to Leadville - Byrne - February 7, 2012

193 days until the 2012 Leadville Trail 100 Mile Run...

These are our friends at the Y better known as 11 & 12.  We like to get these two because they are right in front of the TV that is tuned to ESPN.  Today was another power incline walking day. Rick and I met a little after 5 am and were into our hour long power walk at 5:18 a.m. Like we did the previous week our goal was to break through another barrier, which I’m proud to say that we did! I believe we would have had much more difficulty doing what we did today 2-3 weeks ago.

Basically we jumped up our initial speed by .2 from 4.0 to 4.2 – perhaps it wasn’t a significant jump but it was an improvement and it meant that with our increases during the last 30 minutes, we worked harder than we did the week before and the week before that. We continue to make very good progress and I’m excited to see where we are several weeks from now. It was a good workout but honestly I’m not sure I was as tired as I was the previous week when we did a workout of less difficulty – could this possibly mean we are starting to get in shape?

Listed below is a comparison of our last 3 weeks of power walking on a steep incline:

Time           February 7th                           January 31st                           January 24th
0-30 min     Level 4.2 Incline 12.0             Level 4.0  Incline 12.0            Level 3.7  Incline 12.0
30-35 min   Level 4.3 incline 12.0             Level 4.0  Incline 12.5            Level 3.8  Incline 12.0
35-40 min   Level 4.3 Incline 12.5             Level 4.0  Incline 13.0            Level 3.9  Incline 12.0
40-45 min   Level 4.4 Incline 12.5             Level 4.0  Incline 13.5            Level 4.0  Incline 12.0
45-50 min   Level 4.4 Incline 13.0             Level 4.1  Incline 13.5            Level 4.0  Incline 12.5
50-55 min   Level 4.5 Incline 13.0             Level 4.2  Incline 13.5            Level 4.0  Incline 13.0
55-60 min   Level 4.5 Incline 13.5             Level 4.3  Incline 13.5            Level 4.0  Incline 13.5

We then wrapped up our day with 3 sets of 10 on the bench press at 160 lbs.

Until my next post, have a great day! DIG DEEP

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