Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Journey to Leadville - Byrne - January 24, 2012

207 days until the 2012 Leadville Trail 100 Mile Run....

This is Hagerman Road, about 16 miles into the race and 84 miles on the way back. Runners climb uphill on this road on the way up to Sugarloaf Mountain early in the morning within an hour or so after sunrise. Like most of the course, it is beautiful - note the mountains in the background and the tall evergreens off to the side.

Following our 2nd marathon on Sunday I was craving liquids and spent the rest of the day pumping water, gatorade, lemonade, and juice into my body. I ate some but not all that much. The past few days 2 of my sons had the flu and by Sunday night it had passed onto me. By the time Sunday night was over, most of the liquid I had consumed decided to leave my body the same way it came in. My stomach actually felt a lot better after that but the achiness started to settle into my legs. I was thankful that we had agreed to take Monday off from working out following our back to back marathons. So Monday was a rest day and my legs continued to ache most of the day. I didn't feel much like eating which was good in the sense that I've been trying to lose weight. Sunday night I weighed in at 195 lbs - 1 pound under my week's goal of 196 lbs. Next Sunday's goal is 194 lbs - I'll report back on this after the weekend.

This morning Rick and I met at the Y for a power walking workout today. We did go a little easier on the incline and a little easier on the speed; however we cut out rest entirely and gradually increased the difficulty over the course of the workout so I believe it was a step forward. Again I felt a little guilty looking around seeing other people running faster on the treadmill but they were also not at an incline of 12.

0 - 30:00            Incline 12 Level 3.7
30:00 - 35:00     Incline 12 Level 3.8
35:00 - 40:00     Incline 12 Level 3.9
40:00 - 45:00     Incline 12 Level 4.0
45:00 - 50:00     Incline 12.5 Level 4.0
50:00 - 55:00     Incline 13.0 Level 4.0
55:00 - 60:00     Incline 13.5 Level 4.0

The benchpresses were all in use so we decided to knock out a few sets of dumbbell bench presses

3 sets of 12 - 55 lb dumbbells

I was quite pleased that from 30:00 - 60:00 we continued to make the workout more difficult and we did all this without rest. We continue to build the strength in our legs and I am confident that the next time we powerwalk we will be able to increase the difficulty of the workout. By the end of the workout I also discovered that all of the achiness had left my body. I can confidently say that the flu I experienced was a 24-36 hr flu. The rest of the house appears to be healthy too!

Until my next post, have a great day! DIG DEEP!

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