Friday, January 6, 2012

Journey to Leadville - Byrne - January 6, 2012

225 days until 2012 Leadville Trail 100 Mile Run ...

The prize if I achieve my goal (actually I can still get this if I miss my goal but make it under 25 hours) - a gold belt buckle! Note the quarter in the bottom hand right corner - gives you an idea of the size of the belt buckle. There are people who actually wear them on a belt (I don't blame them) but I'm not sure I ever see this on one of my belts. If I bent over forward it would give me a stomach cramp!

So I didn't do any vigorous exercising yesterday and don't have any plans to do any today. I actually slept in the last two days - I'll be honest, I enjoyed it! Part of me is feeling like a slug and part of me says that some rest is good for the body. A big day planned for tomorrow with a 6 hr run - definitely should be well rested for it.

Until my next post, have a great day! DIG DEEP!

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