Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Journey to Leadville - Byrne - April 11, 2012

130 days until the Leadville Trail 100 Mile Run...

pictures forthcoming from my darling Katie :o)

9th floor of Jumer's Tower - looking down (see my foot?)

Today was a Jumer's Tower day! 28 trips up the 9 story tower for a total of 252 stories. Rick Fountain and I went solo today but I didn't expect anything different. Not a lot of conversation occurred at the top while waiting for the elevator as we were huffing and puffing trying to recover. I find it interesting, somewhat perplexing, and pleasing that I don't feel much different on the 20th trip than I do on the 5th trip. I basically feel a constant tiredness at the top of the stairs. The first three floors go fairly easy, floors 4-6 are a little harder, and the legs start to burn a bit on floors 7-9. On the one hand I wish I didn't feel tired after only a few trips up the tower but it is what it is. On the other hand, it doesn't feel much different after that - I feel like I could keep going for quite a while longer. I've had similar feelings on the stadium steps at Bettendorf High School and to a degree, on the long weekend runs - mile 3 and mile 17 don't seem to feel much different - I feel a constant fatigue but feel like I can keep working. Maybe this is a sign that I'm building some endurance?

Regardless it was a great day - we did 3 more trips (or 27 stories) up the tower than last week in little over an hour. I felt good after that workout.

Then we headed over to St. Ambrose to tackle the bench press. You may remember last week when I took a step backwards from the week before. This week was a bit of redemption. We put 185 lbs on the bar and I was able to do 2 sets of 10 and a 3rd set of 7 reps. When I can push up 3 sets of 10, I'll move up to 190 lbs. Rick, no surprise did 2 sets of 12 and a 3rd set of 10. It irritated me a bit when he filed his nails and took a call on his cell phone while doing his 3rd set - I'll have to figure out a way to challenge him more in the future :o)

Until my next post, have a great day! DIG DEEP!

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