Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Journey to Leadville - Byrne - April 24, 2012

117 days until the Leadville Trail 100 Mile Run...

Todd snapped the photo and traded places
with me so I could make the photo
5:15 a.m. stair crew - Lindsay, Chirag, Curt,
Gordon, Rick and Todd

7 people today - the group is growing. Some people did a combination of stairs and laps around the track.  Our goal was 61 sets of stairs - mission accomplished! Following this we did a set of 41 push ups. Why 41? I don't know. It was more than the other sets we did last week of 25-30, it sounded like a good number. Gordon climbed half way up the stairs to get some action photos of Rick and I running up the stairs and running down the stairs. I think we were somewhere between 40 and 55 at the time of this photo - settled into a groove by this time.  

Rick & John - down the stairs

Rick and John - up the stairs -
take note who is leading the way!
Like the Saturday morning runs, it is fun getting people out early in the morning to get fit.  We are doing different things but they are all good things and there is no better feeling than the one you feel after a workout like today. I really do love the fitness but once I get around other people who are striving to get better, the camaraderie is much more significant than the actual workout. On the other hand, the camaraderies also pushes me ot higher levels and helps me perform better.

Tomorrow we are doing Jumer's Tower - we are set to have 3 others join us - it should be fun.

Until my next post, have a great day! DIG DEEP!

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