Sunday, April 15, 2012

Journey to Leadville - Byrne - April 15, 2012

126 days until the 2012 Leadville Trail 100 Mile Run...

A group I was not a part of - not even as a photographer :o) - Jen Paul photographer extraordinaire
I would have liked to have joined this group - everyone looks very happy! Are they happy because I'm not there? Maybe... I tend to think, though, that they are happy because so many are in shorts and no jackets - and that it isn't 4:30 am! While I was in Marion at my son's soccer tournament, I'm guessing the weather was similar - 60+ degrees - perfect morning running weather for this 6 am run.

I on the other hand, chose to sleep in Saturday :o) (and I don't regret it one bit!). I did, however, get up this morning and went for a total of a little over 18 miles in about 2 hrs and 30 minutes. It wasn't as much fun going by myself - I spent more time thinking about tired muscles and missed out on the enjoyable conversation and pacing that I have when I run with others. But, as I've said before, running on my own sometimes is good for me - helps build the discipline I need.
1st leg - 38 minutes - 4.64 miles
2nd leg - 1 hr 50 minutes - 13.45 miles

First leg of the run went great - at the end I met the father of a friend of mine from grade school/high school (Carol (Burke) Kraayenbrink) and was able to catch up on what was going on with her life - I'm glad we crossed paths.

The second leg of the run went pretty well until I was about 1.6 miles from home. The night before I was up late working on my taxes and my mom made a pan of brownies. Stupid me ate too many brownies and they weren't feeling so good by the end of the run. To make a long story short and not put you through the ugly details, my stomach was not happy with my poor choices the night before and I decided I needed to stop running. I'm a bit embarrassed that I walked the last 1.6 miles back to the house but it was the right decision at the time. Hopefully I also learned the lesson that I need to watch what I eat the night before a long weekend run.

There were a number of hills on this route as well so I mixed in a combination of running and walking and I believe that helped me keep a decent pace going.

Attached is a picture of my new shoes that I promised to post - they are working out great...

If you are around Wednesday night at 7 pm I will be speaking at the Rogalski Center to the Graduate Students at St. Ambrose University on motivation - the talk is free and open to the public - I would love to see you there!

Until my next post, have a great day! DIG DEEP!


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