Friday, April 13, 2012

Journey to Leadville - Byrne - April 13, 2012

128 days until the 2012 Leadville Trail 100 Mile Run....

if I had realized this when I woke up, maybe I wouldn't have worked out - NOT
Did not even think about this ominous date - so far nothing bad has happened :o) Is it just me or does it seem like we have had a large number of Friday the 13th's in the past decade? This morning I decided to play some basketball up at the high school so we did our running earlier on the Bettendorf High School track. Rick Fountain, Gordon Staley, and I made it to the track around 5:20 a.m. It has probably been at least 7 months since I've done any speed work on the track. I have done some on the treadmill but not at the track. It was a short workout but it felt good to kick in some semi-sprints. During the run the legs and lungs feel taxed and tired but it was good sort of taxing and tiredness :o)

1/2 mile warm up
200 M ~ :38 - 200 M walk
200 M ~ :38 - 200 M walk
400 M ~ 1:18 - 350 M walk
800 M ~ 2:38 - off to play basketball :o)

Gordon joined me for basketball. Rick headed over to the Y to do some treadmill running. I am heading up to Mom's tonight - my youngest son Joe has a soccer tournament near her house so we will stay with her this weekend - I'm looking forward to it. I wiill plan to get in at least one good longer run.

Until my next post, have a great day! DIG DEEP!

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