Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Journey to Leadville - Byrne - May 1, 2012

110 days until the 2012 Leadville Trail 100 Mile Run...
Happy May Day!
Early morning stairs crew - Gordon, Todd, Rick, Lindsay, and Curt

Gordon and Todd were especially excited about coming today as they thought I had left them May Day baskets full of candy at the top of the stadium stairs. Unfortunately the only treats available were bottles of Gatorade at the bottom of the stairs following the workout.

On our way to the stadium, I made Gordon honk at the 6b46 group from his big white pick up truck. It looked like a dozen or so were well into their run for the morning. Uhde and Maurer probably thought we were honking because of their legs - not true. The 6b46 group was very focused - they didn't even look up to wave.

Lindsay C, Curt J, Todd H, Gordon S, Rick F, and I made it to the stair workout today at Bettendorf High School football stadium (picture forthcoming). We knocked out 62 sets of stairs today and 26.2 pushups at the end. Once again we start out in the dark and the cold and finish with daylight and not so cold. Another good day of building the quads! Rick and I have been doing this for awhile but it's pretty cool that we now think of Lindsay, Curt, Todd, and Gordon as regulars and we can put them on the sign up list to bring donuts following our workouts.

Until my next post, have a great day! DIG DEEP!


Lindsay C said...

Donuts? I dont think so! BUT I will consider a healthier alternative

Journey to 2012 Leadville - Byrne said...

You are right - I just thought Gordon and Todd would like donuts :o)