Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Journey to Leadville - Byrne - May 8, 2012

102 days until the 2012 Leadville Trail 100 Mile Run...

Todd Hornbuckle, Gordon Staley, Chirag, Lindsay Caes, Rick Fountain, Curt Johnston - John Byrne photographer      

 (missing Mike Cavins from picture - he joined us at the track)

Super cool day! Spectacular weather - the sunlight is showing earlier all the time as we get closer to summer. As you can see (or will see) - we broke our old attendance record - had 8 people today! It was quite awesome looking around and seeing multiple people flying up the stairs and moving around the track. At this point I'm feeling like I can call a number of these people 'regulars' - Curt Johnston, Lindsay Caes, Chirag (I need to get his last name!), Gordon Staley, and Todd Hornbuckle. Rick Fountain is still in his probation period - I'm not sure he has proven himself yet. He's only been training with me steadily for about 2 years and what seems like 2000 miles of running - I'll post notification when he has earned his stripes :o) Today's rookie was Mike Cavins - owner and founder of Uncommon Ground  http://uncommongroundqc.com/ (provider of outstanding landscaping, irrigation, turf, and snow removal services). The primary reason I put my friends' names in this blog is to shame them into joining us for future workouts :o)

Today we started closer to 5 am (actually it was about 5:10 before we started but 15 minutes sooner than normal). The reason for the early start was so we could get more stairs in. Dave Jessen and a couple of his running buddies were running 200 M sprints today - it was great to see them. Today we knocked out 81 sets of stairs. A bunch of people hit new highs today which always makes me feel really good. It's all about the journey and getting a little better each day that makes life great. After we were done, Lindsay had made a batch of protein balls for us. I'll have to admit I wasn't in the mood to eat them after all the stairs but they tasted really good. I'll have to get the recipe but I know there was flaxseed, oats, peanut butter, and other healthy ingredients in there. Thank you Lindsay - you are awesome! Following the stair workout, we did a set of 31 push ups before pulling out of the parking lot. The weather was great, the company was even better :o)

Tomorrow morning - 5 am - we tackle Jumer's Tower - many times over. Text me if you are interested in joining us.  563-343-3909

Until my next post, have a great day!  DIG DEEP!


BoobieMiles said...

I did my stairs on Sunday and on everyone I was thinking of you ;)


Journey to 2012 Leadville - Byrne said...

Awesome! Keep climbing! As Ken Chlouber says, "Train hard, train long, and train UP!" - you are doing it - great job! It will help you tremendously on Hope Pass!